The Tack Shield (TTS) is a new welding product that attaches to the gun of your MIG welder. This innovative tool is lightweight but sturdy. TTS allows you to attend to all your tacking needs and enables you to view from any angle. It can be held upside down lending to unusual working conditions. TTS cuts down the time for the setup of any project. No need to put your helmet on for quick tacks or turning your head to the side, which leads to unwanted accidents! Safe, effortless precision tacking-singlehandedly!
Do I need to wear safety gear? Gloves, head covering and goggles are necessary. Any protection you can think of. If you are new to welding the more the better. Any professional will know the needs.
Can I use this for regular welding? No. This handy shield is for tack welding only.
Can I leave it hanging upside down on the gun? Yes. TTS can be left on the gun in any position. It does have a hole in the handle for easy hanging when not in use.
How do you install the lens into The Tack Shield? Watch this short video on how to install the lens, click HERE.
Safety/Hazards: You should inspect and clean the nozzle of your gun daily. This will reduce splatter and sparks. Wear gloves, eye goggles (protection) and a head covering (even a scarf) when welding. Take into all safety precautions used when you do any welding. Although TTS is for quick tacks, you should always take safety seriously.